Bubbly Dream - Date created: 15 Dec 2006. Done in photoshop & freehand. This is a result of scribbling around killing time. The images were from "Computer Arts" magazine tutorial. And the girl is a font called "Subeve" from www.dafont.com.
Starry Dream - Created: 11 January 2007 - photoshop Just experimenting with things in photoshop I guess... I'm a fan of Vault49 style... therefore this was inspired by it, and I actually followed one of the artworks from Vault49 for this piece here... so I guess this also a fanart? Fonts (apart from the actual sentence) in this piece were from www.dafont.com <the background ornaments, the stars are all fonts>.
The Devil In Me - Date Created: 6 March 2007 Software: Photoshop I experimented with blending mode and a lot of masking. Finding the photos are the hardest bit. I used stock image I get from magazine Computer Arts Projects and also the photo from work's archive. If you look closely, the blond model is the same person as the one in "Chaotic Beauty". This piece was inspired by a story I'm writing at the moment, I'm on chapter 6 now. Hope for the best :)
Black Boots Beauty - Created: 10 April 2007 Method: photoshop I used photo from stock photo, played around with filters... and the rest were fonts (I'm a sucker for typography... hahahaha)... I soften the lines a little bit, did finishing touches with air brush, and also add some more elements and last but not least, repositioned the objects
Red and Dangerous - Date created: 11 April 2007 Method: photoshop FINALLY!!! I kept on having trouble flattening this image, two layers kept on loosing the effect everytime I flatten it... I thought it might've been the version of photoshop I was using, and I was right. Once I brought it home and flatten it. This was created using various photo stocks and also lts and lots of text (if I didn't miscounted it, there are three different typefaces in this piece).
Times New Roman Treatment - Created: 28 April 2007 Method: photoshop I just felt like doing something with typography, but I thought I'd do something different, therefore I chose Times New Romans since I really hate this font. The history was taken from the internet btw, wikipedia and typolis.
The Big Question - Created: 1 May 2007 Method: photoshop Another typography work. Font used was from www.dafont.com as usual. And the big question mark is font "Trajan". I was bored... needed to stay awake... HAHAHA :D..... well, actually... I wanted to play around with the new font :p Have to be honest though, this is very unlike 'me'.... waaaaay too simple and flat for my taste... but I was just having a bit of fun... LOL
Funky Ride - Created: 7 May 2007 Method: Photoshop Collaboration between typography and graphics, fonts used are from www.dafont.com, just for insight info... there are 3 different fonts used in this piece (excluding watermark), so that's actually a larger number of fonts I'd normally use in one piece, but I still like it. Images are from stock photos and Computer Arts tutorial files. I admit it was damn hard to make the background texture the way I wanted it.
Aku - Created: 8 May 2007 Method: Photoshop It's typography... typography and typography... everything in this piece are letters (or parts of letters) as I always liked it. I was having fun with it :p This is about my name... :p well... as you can see, this is my initials A.A :) Hence the title "Aku" which means "I" or "me" in Indonesian.
Girl Power - Date Created: 21 August 2007 Method: Photoshop A warm up session… yeah… after so long doing the clean cut corporate look I’m very rusty when it comes to my own thing. RESOURCES: Brushes: DesignFruit : www.designfruit.com ObsidianDawn: www.obsidiandawn.com Patterns: CelestialStar: www.celestial-star.net Font: Norpicons1 from DaFont: www.dafont.com
BoomBox Re-Invented - Created: 28 August 2007 Method: Photoshop Another practice run on photoshop, but I had to stop coz I have to start on my next project. However, I had lots of fund doing this. DesignFruit: www.designfruit.com ObsidianDawn: www.obsidiandawn.com Patterns: CelestialStar: http://celestial-star.net Fonts: (all from www.dafont.com) Poise_Noire OneFellSwoop: [link] Ruritania: [link] WC_Rhesus_Beta: [link] Photo: Zeafonso: www.sxc.hu/profile/zeafonso
JuSt 4 FuN
Arianditha Angraini
*^~tHe WiLd DrEaM cHaSeR~^* Wellington, New Zealand