Indonesian Pool Competition - Poster, crew ID tag & ticket design for Indonesian Pool Competition (also look at Event Organizing).
- photoshop.
Indonesian Student Association, Wellington, New Zealand, 2004.

Cue World 8 Ball Pool Competition - Poster & ticket design for Cue World National Pool Competition.
- photoshop.
Cue World, Wellington, New Zealand, 2004.

Wellington Poetry Postcards - Typographic treatment of a poem combined with images, compiled as a set of postcards.
- cut, paste, color & black and white photocopying.
Graphic Design Studio, 2001.
Massey University.

Indonesian Cultural Evening 2006 - Poster & pamphlet design for Indonesian Cultural Evening, The Opera House, Wellington, 8 September 2006.
- photoshop.
Embassy of Indonesia, Wellington, New Zealand, 2006.
Also look at Event Organizing. For more photos on this event please go to: