Wellingtonianz - Best Documentary Film Award. Bandung Short Film Festival 2005, Indonesia. The theme was "Cultural and Natural". Wellingtonianz is a 15 minute documentary on Wellington and its Capital Culture, exposing the contrast of 3 major areas in Wellington. This is a comparison to Indonesian Culture: New Zealand nature shapes the people's culture, while in Indonesia the culture shapes the nature of its people. -production manager, director, production sound mixer, audio/video editor.
Memetik Bintang/To Pick A Star/Star Struck - This is a major project done on Indonesian context. The project is to create a short scene which encompasses the areas of script writing, directing, production, editing and sound. Off-screen narration is used to drive the story and convey the leading role's thoughts. The movie is a mixture of flashbacks and scenes from present time. - director, writer, production sound mixer, audio/video editor. Digital Media, 2005. Massey University.
The Artist - A short movie about an artist, bound to work on a drawing of his lover and gave his all to finish it. This posed as an allegory to the artist's love life, where he put all his energy and life to work the relationship but still bound and trapped within boundaries set by his lover. The ropes stands for the force that restraint him and is invinsible to his eyes. - director, writer, director of photography, camera operator. Digital Video, 2004. Massey University.
Digital Video
Arianditha Angraini
*^~tHe WiLd DrEaM cHaSeR~^* Wellington, New Zealand