CAD Elevations and Sections by John Boline illustrating the 'milennium ribbon' stairway concept that makes and experience out of circumnavigating the stair. The client is coninually coming in and out of the shell and interacting with the sculputural architecure of the tower.
Quick massing studies to analyze angled planes for central cafe strcutures. Seating on the roof-top for vistas and view across landscaped campus.
Zhangjiang Semiconductor Research Park - MulvannyG2

Shanghai, China - while at MulvannyG2, I woked on all phases to design a technology park for the City of Shanghai that attracts top-notch technology and research companies and establishes Shanghai as a world leader in technology. The design concept is based on New York’s SOHO neighborhood. The 118-acre park is designed as five distinct communities: Seattle, Florence, Munich, New York’s Central Park, and Shanghai itself. A rich palette of textures and diverse materials native to each community area adds visual interest. This is a world-class high-tech park designed around the world.
I was also the lead on the central iconic view tower and the cafes designed to provide respite from the hustle and bustle of the office.

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John Boline
VP Design - Starbucks - Licensed Stores / Canada /... Seattle, WA