Avaya + Cerium Networks - In 2011, working in close collaboration with a Sr. AD partner, I developed a microsite and HTML email campaign for Avaya - the leading global provider of business communications solutions - and their top regional partner in the Pacific NW, Cerium Networks.
www.IronMountain.com - In 2009, Iron Mountain revamped their corporate website from top to bottom. I served as the lead contract writer on the project, developing SEO-driven content for dozens of key content areas. You can view the entire site live at http://www.ironmountain.com
Health Quest - Health Quest is a small health care system in upstate New York. I served as the creative lead in developing a new marketing brand for the system and its three hospitals, which we subsequently executed in a broad range of print, direct mail, collateral, interactive and broadcast media efforts. Our work introduced the system to the community, improved public perception of the smaller hospitals, and powered the successful launch of several new health care service lines.
Health Quest - Beyond creating the brand voice and defining the photographic style central to the successful rebranding of a 3-hospital healthcare system (Health Quest), I also worked collaboratively with multiple levels of management on the client side to refine the system brand for individual member hospitals.
Health Quest - Another example of my work as a creative lead and copywriter on Health Quest (NY). This campaign was, in part, developed as a counterpoint to the "happy patient/doctor/facility photo" marketing style that many of Health Quest's competitors utilized. Our solution: counterprogramming — placing the visual/headline focus exclusively on the patient or family, and showing how each hospital was not just a building or a place to get care, but an important part of everyday life in the community.
Health Quest - After creating the basis for Health Quest's new marketing brand... I then wrote and directed the development of their 70+ page corporate Brand Standards Manual.
The Albion Group - The flash-crazed website of my former agency. Which I wrote. And which I also played an integral role in defining, from overall voice and conceptual approach to methodologies and usability for each individual piece. The site is no longer live (neither is the agency, btw) but you can visit the archived site at http://iadbook.com/oldsite/index.html
New England Baptist Hospital - Copywriting and creative development for a successful new business pitch.
Harvard University - Copywriting and Creative Development for successful new business pitch.
Harvard University - Another concept from our successful new business pitch to Harvard University. We went gangbusters on this one — all told, we presented them with nine different concepts ranging from ultra-conservative to significant departures from traditional interpretations of Harvard. Apparently they liked what they saw; we got the business.
Millipore - Copywriting and creative development for (un)successful new business pitch. The client didn't bite, but I still love the idea.
Siemens - I provided creative direction and copywriting on this client-winning concept for a new business pitch (2010).
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Baxter Healthcare - One example of my copywriting/CD contribution to a 2010 new business pitch.
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Forefield - This developer of IT solutions for the financial planning marketplace brought me in to help develop concepts and branding lines for their marketing efforts. This brochure is the first product of that work.
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Axsys Technologies - Axsys Technologies creates some of the most advanced imaging technologies on the planet, including those used in IMAX film and by the military. This concept - which helped to win us the account - helps to place their work in an appropriately dramatic and attention-grabbing fashion.
Yale New Haven Health System - This screen shot represents about four months of my life. I was solely responsible for developing the content architecture of five separate recruitment-focused websites for Yale New Haven Health System — and then, subsequently, for writing the entire thing. The final project comprised nearly 250 pages of web content, and redefined the client's recruiting efforts.
Yale New Haven Health System - For the better part of five years, I gathered all information, conducted all interviews and wrote all content (including the alleged "Letter from the Publisher") for Yale New Haven Health's newsletter targeting college students. I also developed the name for the publication and served as the client-facing point person on the project.
New England Baptist Hospital - Another approach developed for a successful new business pitch. I LOVED this idea, which I created in close collaboration with a terrific Art Director. Unfortunately, the client was too timid (and, to be honest, the Celts were not cool enough at the time) to put this concept to use. Ah, KG and Ray Allen... how quickly you changed things at the Garden.
Maine Recruitment Center - Copywriting and Creative Direction for a successful new business pitch. And yes, I do enjoy the judicious and strategic use of repetitive language in a headline.
Mass Eye and Ear - Copywriting and Creative Development for successful new business pitch.
MGH Institute - One example of an award-winning transit campaign that appeared for years on T and Commuter Rail lines/stops across the greater Boston area.
Boston University - Copywriting and Creative Direction for a successful new business pitch. THIS is what happens when the collaborative process between a writer and a designer works... I mentioned something offhandedly about using body language to express the letters "BU," and 10 minutes later my designer came back to me with this photo with the letter/box overlaid much as you see it here. Man, it's fun when things work that way.
SPEDWatch - On a pro bono basis, I provided creative direction and complete copywriting services on brochures, flyers and other collateral materials to a grassroots organization dedicated to enforcing special education laws in Massachusetts.
The Abbott Center - Complete website development - including all copywriting and design - for large daycare center in suburban Boston.
TalentCulture - Website development project for Boston-area executive search agency. I provided complete creative direction, content architecture and copywriting services for the initial site launch in 2009.
EMD Serono - As CD and Senior Copywriter, I led the development of this quarterly newsletter designed to facilitate therapy adherence for EMD Serono's injectable MS therapy — researching and reinterpreting clinically-based content for patients via a Specialty Pharmacy distribution channel. I also developed content for a related online landing page, which served as a gateway to additional therapy retention efforts.
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EMD Serono - I also served as CD and copywriter on this on boarding brochure for EMD Serono's growth hormone therapy, delivering key, clinically-relevant content to patients via a Specialty Pharmacy distribution channel. I also served as CD and copywriter on this on boarding brochure for EMD Serono's growth hormone therapy, delivering key, clinically-relevant content to patients via a Specialty Pharmacy distribution channel.
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Ben Merowitz
Lead Writer at TripAdvisor Boston, MA