This is a dashboard for a high level administrator. They see their own incidents as well as other additional information useful for their site, such as analytics.
This is viewing an incident submitted by an administrator or anonymous user. Here an administrator can edit the data, view activity about this incident and much more
This is the page where a site administrator will actually manage and build the forms on their site.
This is where an administrator edits the form.
This page is a list of users who have accounts on a districts site. Here an admin can manage user's information, tasks, or permissions.
This is the modal an administrator builds or adds permissions to a user at.
Safeschools Incident

Design work at my job at Vector Solutions working on the product Safeschools Incident. All rights to this product are owned by Vectors Solutions

Freelance, Full-time
Benjamin McClintock Ayres-Kerr
Product Developer with 10+ years creating incredible products Boston, MA