Final MPDD design. Modeled by Chuck Spellmen, James Clark and myself. Rendered and photoshopped by me.
Ergonomic scrub brush with magnetic drying base.
Ergonomic scrub brush with magnetic drying base.
3d CAD Model for septic pen. ( Design by Jordan Rutherford.
Exploded view of all of the components. Final vendor will adjust for manufacturability.
Helped make product manufacturable and finesse design.
Designed concepts for lid aesthetics
Solidworks model for an Snowflake ornament by Lenox China
Solidworks model for an ornament. Rendered in Cinema4d by Felix Tiaka.
Final product on sale at
Solidworks model of the 2014 Lenox Cross
Final Lenox Cross ornament for sale at
Solidworks model of a fairy for a collaborative project with Feliks Tiaka.
Additional fairy views.
Quick 3d Sushi "sketch"
Chair Model - Model of a chair for a room I am building in Cinema 4d
This is part of a room. Untextured and unfinished. I tend to drop new items in here randomly.
Bones of Babba Yaga's hut. Cinema 4d
Bug model for a Burgopak client animation. Cinema 4d
3d vehicle "sketch"
3d vehicle "sketch"
Packaging for the poison apple in Snow White. Cinema 4d and Illustrator
Old School-3d Modeling (Character and Product)

These are mainly 3d models I have done in my spare time just for fun or to learn new things and some product modeling for freelance clients.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Bliss Buter-Thompson
Multi-faceted Conceptual & Structural Design Manager Focused on Sustainability Newark, CA