Nose Grab - I put up these images to show that it is not all work all the time. The Waveblaster and Superjet get me as far away from work as possible.
Toys in the Garage - I put up these images to show that it is not all work all the time. The Waveblaster and Superjet get me as far away from work as possible.
Nose Grab - I put up these images to show that it is not all work all the time. The Waveblaster and Superjet get me as far away from work as possible.
Cat - The Family cruiser. Just rebuilt the port side motor. Very interesting to work on the 4-stroke. If you have the time, learn to work on an engine. It can teach you a ton about mass-production and assembly. Very relevant to ID in the real world.
Start- 94 Yamaha Waveblaster Restoration Project - Stripped hull, ready for lower hull modification. Engine bay strengthen on motor plates and seams. If you are over 190 lbs, and jump a Waveblaster in the surf enough, the lower hull will break in front of the transom. I split my first boat, and so I decided to give a rework a try with my own design. Picked up this hull ( minus motor and electronics ) for $500. Learned a lot about fiberglass on this project. Hey, I already knew how to sand material....
94 Waveblaster Rework - Previous owner had put dial exhausts on this boat ( why ??? ). Removed the guts and repaired the hull.
94 Waveblaster Rework - Transom is ready for glass. Used bluefoam for support structure of the fiberglass.
94 Waveblaster Rework - Mid-glass image. I did several layers and fill with resin. Should make a nice strong tail for the boat. My luck, it will break somewhere else.
PWC-Boat Images
Jeff Smith
Education Manager Pompano Beach, FL