Sketchbook Pro Concept sketch - 30 mins on the plane - Idea I had for a boat. I am sold on the Cat design. It makes so much sense. Apply it to a flats boat and you get an interesting combination. Add a power jack plate for the motors and you are set!

Sketchbook Pro Concept sketch - Quick Sketchbook Pro image completed in the airport.

Sketchbook Pro Concept sketch

Sketchbook Pro Concept sketch

Quick concept sketch on the plane - Sketchbook Pro

Sketchbook Pro Concept sketch - 30 mins on the plane - Simple Test sketch of a product. Just some volume, texture and part line.

Sketchbook Pro Concept sketch - 30 mins on the plane - Idea for a modified Flats boat. Not trolling motor....

Robot - Sketchbook Pro

Boat Sketch - Did this on the plane to Taiwan yesterday. Between and 1 and 1.5 hours. Sketchbook pro.

Ship Sketch? - Sketchbook Pro Concept Sketch.
A little bored at the end, gears are not finished.

Sportfish - Sketchbook Pro Concept sketch. More of a rendering test than a concept.

Fighter - Quick Sketch in SBpro.

Boat Concept - A little under an hour quick sketch on the plane ride home last night. Sketchbook pro.

Ship - Quick SBpro thumb-nail while watching TV.

Cockpit? - 30 minute Sketchbook Pro image
completed on the plane to LAX today.

65-70 foot Yacht - Quick Sketchbook pro image completed on the plane to LAX today.

Dump Truck - Quick SBpro Dump Truck Sketch for my Son to color back in the US.

Cement Truck - Another quick SBpro image to "the Indy".

Dump Truck - So, I am into Dump trucks now. Quick SBpro image.

Lift Truck - Quick SBpro from last night at the hotel

Power Cat - Quick sketch on the plane from LAX last night. I like the walk thru to the rear deck. Not that practical, but fun.

Single Seat Car - Quick SBpro image

Train - Quick 15 min SBpro Sketch from the other night.

Train Sketch - Quick SB pro file from this evening. Man it was nice to sketch a train and not deal with work....wow it was a tough day today!

Stand Up PWC - Motivated to add a Marine sketch. This is a SBpro quick concept. Sketch time was a little under 2 hours.

Boat Thumbnail - 20 minute Sketchbook Pro image

30'ish Express Racer out of the water - A little over an hour Sketchbook Pro Concept.

26' Center Console - About an hour and a half Sketchbook Pro Concept.

T-Top Bolt On - Concept sketch of an after-market T-top bolt on.
Sketchbook Pro, a little over an hour.

Bike - Sketchbook pro concept sketch. A little over an hour and a half.

Boats - Quick 20 min. sketch page.

Yamaha FX1 Rework - Sketchbook Pro concept of what a current FX1 might look like. Intakes in the side would need major baffle work.

Bird Fighter - A little more than an hour monster concept sketch.

Lighthouse and beach - Quick SBpro thumbnail

Dragon? - Quick SBpro line study.

Alarm Clock - Very fast SBpro thumbnail on the plane.

Pawn - Sketchbook Pro concept sketch.

35'-40' Cat - Concept sketch completed on the flight from ATL to SFO.

Car Sketch - Practice sketch for a car in SKetchbook Pro. Fun exercise.

Shoe - Did this a while back. First shoe sketch for me. It is a little off...should try some more. SBpro.

Speeder - Land speeder concept in SBpro.

Dump Truck - Quick dump truck sketch for my son.

Front Open Wheel Racer - About 2 hours in Sketchbook Pro. Did the initial line-work sketch in the CI lounge in TPE. Finished it up waiting in SFO.

Sketchbook Pro Concept.

Shoe - Ok, so this is the second or third shoe I have drawn. So, if you work on shoes, please add some constructive points.
I want the shoe to have an extended point on the front. Also, expose the insert color in front of the toes when on the user's foot.

Boat Side Elevation - 50 tri-hull concept sketch. Done in Sketchbook Pro, around an hour.

Yacht - Sketchbook Pro concept.

38' Express - The 80's make a strong return with a bold color statement. About 2 hours in sketchbook pro. Completed on the flight from TPE to SEA.

22' Cat Sketch - This was just under 2 hours. Need to fill some time on the flight from TPE to NRT.
SKetchbook Pro on a tablet PC.

30' Cat in Sketchbook Pro - Concept sketch I did on my trip to Germany. Did the linework on the flight to ATL and colored/shaded on the flight to MUC.
A cat with a traditional nose, plus it is a walk around with a slight raise on the bow-deck. This would give a little extra room in the small cabin.

28 ' Center console Top Elevation - A little over 35mins. Wanted to test out the sketch symmetry tool in the BETA Sketchbook Pro. Very fun and entertaining tool!

Quick Car Sketch - About an hour and a half. Mostly a test of the super cool ellipse tool in Sketchbook Pro 2010. Soooooo nice! Fast and accurate! This image is 100% digital on a tablet PC.

Boat sketch - Quick sketch in the Air France lounge in FRA. Waiting for my flight to Paris.

22 Cat/Jet Drive - OK, this is an attempt to merge a center console cat with a jet drive set up. Each hull at the stern has a 1,200cc jet drive unit in it. This ='s very low draft and adds a sun-pad over the motors. At the same time, keeps an open deck for those of us who do not like bow riders (copyboy excluded as he is all about the bow rider).

40' Cat Express with Flybridge - Sketchbook Pro rendering on my tablet. Did the linework on my last trip. Finally had a little time to add some color and shape.

40' Cat Express - How about no fly-bridge?

Yamaha Outboard - Sketchbook pro concept. Around two hours for this side elevation. I am into outboards lately.

VMax adjustment - 100% Sketchbook Pro design adjustment of the current VMax.

Race Car Concept. It was completed in Sketchbook Pro. Sketched and rendered native.

Test sketch using screen capture

Testing out the new companion. Fun!
