MD-IT Website - MD-IT is a medical documentation solution for practices around the nation, offering custom software and service solutions for medical practices
Mango Media Website - Web design for design agency in Boulder,CO
Direct Sign Wholesale - Wholesale distributor of channel letters for signage across the country
Powerful Smiles Website Design - Redesign of the neuromuscular, cosmetic dentist practice, Powerful Smiles, website. Powerful Smiles is based out of Jacksonville, Florida.
Mantucket Capital - Website Design (final) for Mantucket Capital - an investment company in Colorado.
Mantucket Capital - Unique Investing company that focuses on helping small to mid-sized companies grow and flourish
Web Psychology - Samples of web pages for web psychology - similar to Web MD only focused on psychology
Origin Wheel Flash Site - Origin Wheel Communications is a marketing company with a unique philosophy that was based on the working model of the structure of a wheel: All the "spokes" represent different elements within a working system and the origin of that is the heart of the system. The pieces come together and create motion.
Origin Wheel Communications New Website - Updated interactive website of Origin Wheel Communications: A hybrid agency in Boulder, CO that focuses on Internet Marketing Strategy, web design and web development.
The Underground - Online community based on the premise that young people can network and learn about financial independence.
Incredible Smiles Website - Cosmetic Dentist in Boulder, Colorado - specializing in Neuromuscular Dentistry.
Lighthouse Solar - Solar Installation Design company
Boulder Electric Vehicle - BEV is an all-electric truck and cargo van company based out of Boulder, CO
Washington Village - Real Estate property in Boulder, CO
Big Island Development - Big Island Development is located in Lake of the Ozarks, MO and is a lifestyle / high end community for those with expendable income.
Wedding Day Show - An online community and resource for people who want to get married and for wedding vendors.
Westone Website - Westone specializes in custom ear plugs, earpieces and hearing enhancement products to support hearing professionals and musicians alike.
MLE: Attourney's At Law - Website for MLE practice out of Boulder, CO and Houston, TX
Precision Fit - Precision Fit is a custom car seat cover company with a focus on lifestyle and high-end clientele.
CAETE @ CU - CAETE- center for advanced engineering and technology education at University of Colorado at Boulder
Genesis Plastics Technologies - Website Design to match new logo and tradeshow concept
Yes! Communities - website for manufactured housing communities across the country.
InnerActive Institute - Life coaching organization focused on the betterment of people within themselves and their lives.
Knowledge Factor Website - E-learning software company needed a brand-makeover to modernize its look and appeal to a broader range of clientele.
Kajeet Email + Landing Page designs - Kajeet is a cell phone service made for kids. The design show one landing page and 3 different email designs distributed to existing customers
Front Range Anglers - Website for Colorado-based fly-fishing shop - specializing in quality customer service. Very mom and pop type of place and they desired to keep that look and feel to their site.
Spring Leaf - Spring Leaf is a net zero real estate development co. featuring energy-efficient homes located in the Boulder area
Utopia Web Site - Utopia is a fiber-optic network provider in the Salt Lake City area.
Proactiv Landing Page - Brand-consistent landing page for Proactiv.
Long Natural Health - LNH is a natural health products and services company that speaks to a holistic - healing demographic in Boulder, Colorado
Outrageous Baking - Gluten-free breads and coffee cake out of Boulder, Colorado
Loveable Smiles - Cosmetic + General Dentist practice in Richmond, Texas - web / ID design
Super Signs Website - Super Signs Inc is a sign distribution company in Boulder, CO. They can create everything from custom signs, neon, LED, and many more.
Circadence - High Speed Internet - faster than fiber - new WARP technology allows for resiliency, speed and throughput unlike any other.
Carbon Company - Carbon offset website meant to inform people about the benefits of offsetting our carbon footprint. - Landing page for the Spanish-version of a debt consolidation company.
N30 Pharmaceutical - Pharmaceutical company wanting to soften up their website and incorporate visual imagery to honor their respiratory-disease research
The Firebird 4000 Project Website - Website featuring the Firebird 4000 Project- upcoming shows, about the band, merchandise, etc.
Colorado's Healthiest Executive Website - Website design for Colorado's Healthiest Executive Award;Design meant to instill qualities and philosophy of the company and brand.
Boulder Family Dental Center Website - BFDC Website design for a Dental Practice in North Boulder, CO.