The script called for a newspaper clipping, so, once again, I gave the producers and the director, and his DP the choice of two different styles of aging. I printed the replica newspaper artwork which I created in Photoshop on actual newspaper stock so as to give it an authentic look and feel. CRA Entertainment was very happy with what I created for their production.
Inside of aged film prop, file folder for CRA Entertainment's feature film The Evil Down the Street.
Aged wedding photo using Photoshop to superimpose bride into a photo of a church and surrounding environment using digital as well as traditional movie and TV prop-aging techniques.
Here, I aged more photos for the feature film The Evil Down the Street produced by CRA Entertainment.
And yet again, here are more (and some of the same) aged photos as well as business cards that I created for CRA Entertainment's feature film The Evil Down the Street using Photoshop as well as traditional prop-making and aging techniques.
Here is a detailed close-up of two versions of the aged business card I created for CRA Entertainment's feature film The Evil Down the Street. I wanted the producers and the director to be able to choose between what business card would work the best in whatever type of lighting they were going to be using on set. They were very happy with the fact that I gave them two variations to choose from. I always try to give the director and his DP options, if production time permits.
Yes, actually, both sides of the prop need to be aged. This is the backside of the business cards.
A slightly closer look at the finished prop for CRA Entertainment's feature film The Evil Down the Street newspaper clipping. The font for this newspaper clipping had to match that of the typical font found in newspapers of the 1980s, as this was the time period that the newspaper clipping was supposed to be from. I had to do a little research online, but I eventually found a perfect font from that time period, but not only that, it was an aged font made to look like it was printed on old newspaper. What a find!
The Evil Down the Street Feature Film Production

One of my many talents over the years has been creating props for feature films, television shows, and television commercials.

This file folder (along with the rest of the pieces you will see in this portfolio) had to be designed and aged for the film production titled The Evil Down the Street produced by CRA Entertainment.

Please scroll through this portfolio to see the rest of the photos, business cards, and newspaper clippings that I created using Photoshop and some hand aging techniques I have learned over my many years of prop making.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Blaise Gauba
Designer Chattanooga, TN