Gigas Corp. Promo-Poster - A promotional poster for a new program (Nuovo 2.0) by Gigas Corp. The use of dynamic and eye catching text brings the viewer in for more detailed information. Designed by Brian Gray Art Directed by Brian Gray
Peace - Photographed set using a 3D illustration with a live bird, and live flower. The simplicity of the poster conveys the concept. The only imported graphic is the text that reads peace. Art Directed by Brian Gray
Typewriter Man - A movie poster to promote a new released film titled Typewriter Man. The poster uses dynamic text for information and design aspects. The graphic is a 3D illustration that was photographed. The concept of the poster hints to the mysterious nature of the movie. Illustration and design by Brian Gray. Art Directed by Brian Gray.
Magic in the Rockies with Presto Digitators - A poster for a non-profit group to promot the Magic in the Rockies event. The eye catching patern brings one in to become eveloped by the dynamic text. The poster is created with a one color process to keep the cost of production down. Illustrated and designed by Brian Gray. Art Directed by Brian Gray.
Y2K-TKO - A two page magazine spred for the Y2K issue. The text grabs the reader, and keeps them involved. The illustrations are photos, scans, and some parts are produced by hand. Illustrated and designed by Brian Gray. Art Directed by Brian Gray