Contrast, 2015, The arrangement of opposite elements in an image to create visual interest.
Emphasis, 2015, Special attention or importance given to a specific part of an image.
Balance, 2015, A feeling of equal weight or importance throughout the parts of an image that results from a proper use of the elements of design.
Arrange, 2015, The proportional relationship between subjects in an image. In photography human evidence is used to give size reference.
Pattern/Repetition, 2015, The organized (pattern) or disorganized placement of a recurring elements.
Unity, 2015, A visual feeling of harmony that results when all individual elements of an image come together as a whole.
Movement, 2015, The use of the elements of design to direct the viewers attention throughout an image. Sometimes occurring in a patterned (rhythmic) manner.
2015, Patter/Repetition, Movement, Balance, Line, Form
Principles of Design

Principles of design- The arrangement of elements in composition.

Gianluca Bivona
Student Sparta Township, NJ