Poster made for the Exhibition Kvinder Kunst 2012
Poster made for Exhibition "Derfor Smiler Danskerne" Nov 2013
Poster made for Exhibition "Kvinders Kunst" 2013
Poster made for Cultural Night for Filipino and Thai Kulturnatten Oct 2013
Poster made for Concert Jazz Night Dec 2013
Folding triptych for Poetry Workshop printed promotion - (cover side) Graphic Design and Illustration artwork (Nadja Urrutia V.) especially made for the piece.
Folding triptych for Poetry Workshop printed promotion - (inside) Graphic Design and Illustration artwork (Nadja Urrutia V.) especially made for the piece.
Folding triptychs for Leadership Workshop printed promotion - Graphic Design and Illustration artwork (Nadja Urrutia V.) especially made for the piece under speaker's collaborative concept idea and approval.
folded pieces with Cultural Events Autumn program 2013 (from size A3)
Other posters and promotional material made for Cultural events in 2013

Alongside with the Coordination of the Project “Art & Integration in Copenhagen” 2012 – 2013 partially sponsored by
ERINDRINGSMØNTMIDLERNE FUND in 2012 granted to KULTUREVENTS.DK , Independent Graphic
Design Ad-Hoc tasks were done comprised the design of the
following pieces:
-.17 posters to promote events.
-.05 triptychs with information to promote workshops.
-.05 programs for events (concerts and dances).
-.04 entrance tickets for events.
-.04 postcards for souvenirs and branding purposes.
-.05 foldable pieces.
-.other pieces like infographics and images for online promotions.
For 2012 and 2013 produced 16 exhibitions,
8 concerts, 2 cultural night, 12 workshops and talks with speakers of Europe, Asia, Africa and The Americas.

“Kunst og Integration i København” had among other
goals to cooperate with the Social and Cultural
Integration process in Copenhagen by creating opportunities for Danes and
Foreigners to share their appreciation for Art & Culture

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Nadja Urrutia Velásquez
Illustration & Design Copenhagen, Denmark