Rough designs for what ended up being the top label for a Valentine's Day gift box (initially the owner requested some Easter-related designs as well); this was the first group.
Final designs for what ended up being the top label for a Valentine's Day gift box; this was the final set.
Final designs for the top label for a Valentine's Day gift box, printed and ready to ship.
Logo rough for a client who produced cold-pressed juice; they were also looking to sell salsa in a newly-opened retail storefront and were looking for some logo ideas.
Updating an existing label to change to a new flavor; for a new "Carolina Reaper" flavor to be introduced, another client who sold jerky wanted a cartoonish small character added to the label. Doodled on paper, scanned, and vectorized in Adobe Illustrator.
Label Design/Art Director work

Items that I designed while Art Director of a label/sticker print shop.

Billy Coleman
Graphic Designer/Production Artist Dallas, TX