Big Buck Broccoli - This project was a direct result of the customer's satisfaction with the Warriors Broccoli designs. It was quite a compliment because they weren't even going to purchase plates or boxes from us, but they wanted to pay us to do the art since they liked the Warriors so much. Kind of like a mini agency :)
Reserve Table Grapes - I wanted to give a sense that these grapes were of premium quality. I used the red velvety background on the left design to instill a sense of elegance or royalty and used a wholesome golden vineyard on the right design to give the customer a sense of where these grapes came from. I felt the golden scroll banner would give a feeling of quality and tradition as well.
Steve & Dave's Smoked Salmon - This is actually a box I designed for a co-worker who wanted me to design a gift box for his smoked salmon for the holidays. I jumped at the opportunity. It was fun because we designed the structure, printed and cut the boxes ourselves using a Kongsberg table.
Navel Oranges - The customer wanted to target active and healthy families and remind them that fruits like oranges were part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. I was lucky to find a great set of stock photos to use that included these young soccer players. I then adapted a color scheme to compliment the color of their outfits and worked the design to give a feel for the healthy active lifestyle and suggest motion and energy.
Earth2O Spring Water - Recent project for Earth2O spring water, Bend, OR. After researching the customer's history I wanted to project to the consumer that this water is extremely pure and natural as it's been filtered for 10 years through layers of Central Oregon lava. I originally wanted to incorporate the stunning landscapes of central Oregon, but in the end felt a light pure design worked best and would appeal to a larger market. The background on top is actually a dewy leaf dyed blue adding to the natural theme.
VBZ Organic Grapes - I didn't have much direction originally from the customer so I based my design off their logo. It seemed the logo hinted at royalty and status so I presented the three concepts on the right to feel them out. They liked the top vevsion and we worked to together to come up with the completed design on the left. They wanted to stress that these grapes were organic so I made that the main focal point as well as greening up the background and adding leaves in place of the vineyard/castle scene.
Nectarines / Plums - The customer gave me free reign on these designs and I was on a vintage box kick, so I researched some old box and label art and came up with a design that screamed vintage yet still had a lot of pop to grab the consumer's attention.
Heart Healthy Walnuts - This customer really wanted to stress the heart-healthy properties of walnuts. I only had three colors to work with so I used a yellow, blue, red combo and utilized the vector art to really give the box pop. I bordered the customer supplied walnuts photo with a fun illustrated heart to remind the consumer of the benefits that walnuts can have on the heart. I also added some floating hearts in the background to unite the design and give it motion and energy.
Blue Valley Blueberries - The customer didn't want to use photos or raster art so I went kinda nuts on these designs. It was pretty fun just seeing how crazy and colorful I could make them. They originally picked the top left version, but then changed their mind and went with the middle blue version on the right. The production artist was cursing me when he had to sep this box out! :)
Kona Coffee / Macadamia Nuts - This is a combo gift pack that carries both coffee and macadamia nuts from Hawaii. The only thing supplied on this project was the logos. I came up w/ a design that really played on the taste buds w/ hints at rich chocolaty flavors. One of the supplied flyers that I grabbed their logos from had a pink clip-art donkey that was pretty cheesy so I found a cute stock photo of a real donkey and tweaked it out to look like an old photo/stamp. I added some donkey dialogue and named him "Ted" :)
Warriors Broccoli - This was an interesting project. The customer was going to be selling broccoli overseas to both Japanese and Korean consumers and wanted to use the name Warriors for their product. I came up w/ a variety of different looks and it was interesting which design their partners overseas picked. Can you guess who picked what?...The Japanese liked the simple almost classic western film look of the top design while the Koreans really liked the bottom design giving a strong sense of pride and tradition.
Asian Pears - The customer simply wanted a box for Asian Pears. I worked off the "Asian" and put together a serene classic scene straight from the rivers of China. I used a simple cool color palate to instill a sense of "zen".
Quercus Lake Pears - The customer wanted me to design a logo first for them on this design and then work off that look and apply it to the packaging. Quercus means Oak in spanish so I worked off that and supplied them the bottom logo concepts first. They liked the simple tree design best and changed the name to Quercus Lake. I then worked off that logo design to come up w/ the completed box design on top.
Columbia River Sweets / Onions - This was a fun project. The customer left this design up to me so I found a photo of the columbia river and applied several filters in photoshop to give it a watercolor kind of feel. I then added the onions and posterized them a bit to really make them pop and give them the look almost of candy. I then chose a font and color scheme to suggest the sign of an ice cream shop or candy store and voila!. Some sweet tasty looking onions if I do say so myself :)
Norris Blueberries - I was going for a fun illustrative look on these initial concepts on the left. I found a great looking blueberry photo and used several filters to achieve a colored pencil look adding some accents where I felt necessary. I used Painter to paint a watercolor mountain scene on the bottom right versions. The customer liked the art but wanted a bolder look. So, I added a gradient and banner to the bold font to give that classic blueberry label look from the 50's and completed the layout.
Thriftway P.O.P. - This was an unusual project request. This customer usually gives us their bag business, but in this case they were requesting some ideas for a point of purchase display and coupon book dispenser. I went with a refreshing clean look and added an oversized attention grabbing item from each department depending on where they would be displayed. The bottom three are color options.
Blue Wolfe Valley Vineyard Wine Boxes - I created these designs as part of a competition to come up with a wine box that would compete for attention in a club store. The fictional vineyard was called Blue Wolfe Vineyard. Part of the challenge was to stay within the capabilities of the press.
Peaches - I originally presented the bottom rough concepts and generic logo ideas to the customer from which they picked a design but wanted an actual photo of peaches as opposed to an illustration. I comped some photos together and went w/ the less is more approach. They liked it and I proceeded w/ the layout. This box will be selling in Canada so I had to Frenchify half of it w/ French text.
Showtime Cantaloupes - Showtime! The customer wanted a cinema style feel for their showtime cantaloupes. I went a lot of different directions but settled on the glitzy tinseltown look you see here where the cantaloupe is the main attraction! They were extremely pleased.
California Citrus - This one is pretty self-explanatory. I gave the top one a So. Cal surfer kinda look and the bottom a more classic vintage feel. I created some worn out Cali export stamps and added them to the background to accentuate the history behind the Cali orange grove tradition.
Honeycrisp Apples - Ah, honeycrisp apples. Fricken awesome! I created the cute honeybee logo and worked that in with the bottom concepts and presented to the customer. They liked the honeycomb version but wanted an apple more true to the look of their honeycrisps. I found one that suited their tastes and completed the design.
Four Horsemen Potatoes - This customer was four salesman striking off on their own. They liked the name Four Horsemen and gave me free reign. The bottom design is the original and they loved it, but wanted a mountain scene because they are based out of Idaho and wanted the tators off to keep it generic because their would be different kinds of potatoes depending. So, I got rid of the tators, put more focus on the horsemen and tweaked a mountain photo until it looked just right.
Pears - This one speaks for itself. Less is more! :)
Okanagan Fruit - This was a fun one. The customer told me what kind of fruit and the rest was up to me. I added the watercolor background, comped and tweaked the fruit photos to add pop and blend in w/ the background painting. I tweaked the colors and added some fun fonts to bring out some personality.
Grupo Romo Bell Peppers - This box was going to run in Mexico so I wanted to give it a traditional kind of Mexican label or poster feel. Something you'd see plastered to a crate or stucco wall at a bustling market place on the streets of Tijuana or Mexico City in the 50's or 60's!
Bill Sherwin
Packaging Designer Portland, OR