A Christmas Work for my Dear Friends John and Michele Abrate; Started with a "Brassai" Photograph, John's Love of Casablanca and Michel's Love of Paris
Sean O'Casey, My Friend, of the Planet Earth in the Universe of God - No less than five individual 35mm film views made up this single image and 35"x44" digital ink transfer print; in an edition of 1/1 for my personal collection of art; thank you Barbara Anderson Gallery and framing; shown also in the "Color & Light" exhibition; original images shot around Mt Charleston, Las Vegas with both my friends, Andrew QuanNguyen and Sean O'casey
The Ocean ,The Iris, The Sword - My first work in this theme combining seperate images of the sunset ocean, architectural detail in downtown San Francisco, a found architectural remnant, iris in the garden, the crescent moon and a Marine sword in a multi-layered Photoshop Classic drama
The Garden in San Francisco - Triptych montage in three panels; each panel 30" x 15"; over 200 separate exposures were used in this creative, multi-layered Photoshop effort honoring many friends in the City of San Francisco; a very special thank you to my dear friend, Jeanie Casal Rose, for enabling the warmth of the Sun and to Alma de Bretteville Spreckels
Dawn Light, Iris, Ocean - My second work in this theme combining seperate images of the dawn lighted ocean, architectural detail from the University of CA campus in Berkeley, and iris in the garden in a multi-layered Photoshop Classic drama
Unbraided - Composite work that includes an original Borego Springs 35mm chrome image for the background and a colorized B&W composited image of my dear friend, Yolanda Arrechea, wrapped in a Navajo "pound" blanket; finished image 12 x 18; a creative multi layered Photoshop art work
A Painting In The Sands of Time - It took dozens of individual images from various sources to place Jacquline into a Salvador Dali painting that was then placed inside the Universe on the Martian landscape; WOW! Thanks to Adobe Photoshop and an Exestential vision
Ad Art "Spectaculars" in San Francisco - An original 4x5 transparency exposure and new digital exposures by Bill Hannapple of the Canadian Club neon billboard and SOMA building in San Francisco combined with an original 2-1/4 transparency exposure by Charles F Barnard, Bill's former Art Director and mentor at Ad Art Signs, of the well remembered animated Hamm's Beer Glass display; the elevated freeway wraps this building past both "spectaculars", neither of which remain today except for here and in memories
The Hamm's Electric Beer Glass in San Francisco - Essentially a detail of the previous art work bracketed to show off the well loved and fondly remembered "Hamm's Beer Glass" animated neon display in San Francisco; the sequenced neon chased up to "fill" the beer glass and then appeared to "foam-over" with the white neon and scintillating bulbs placed throughout the 3D display; Hamm's original image only by Charles F Barnard; image restoration, corrections, composition and Fine Art print by Bill Hannapple
The Dutch Boy Neon Sign - All pieces of this sign are in storage separately; this composite unique in that each piece of neon photographed individually while hooked up to a transformer, and then assembled digitally in Adobe Photoshop like a "puzzle" for a presentation to the Museum of Neon Art in Los Angeles; this was an exercise in consumate Photoshop skills
Bouquet in the Hall of Memory - A 4x5 still life transparency augmented with several digitally imaged "pieces" of art work, including a hand colored B&W poloroid shot from 1971 of my Nephew's Grandparents (on his Father's side); the red, white and blue is because my Nephew is a Fireman in New Jersey who helped in rescue efforts at "Ground Zero" just after 9/11; a framed digital ink transfer print Ronny and Suzanne's future wedding present
Cover for Clamshell Boxed Photograph Series - Montage of fifty or more images for the cover of the clamshell boxed photographs of the miniature Victorian "doll" house that my Mom and Dad crafted; deliberately "over the top"; Mom and Dad spent hundreds of hours on the interior and exterior and several years ago I created a boxed set of photographs for them to share with everyone interested in the project. Their labor of love has been in the news and exhibited at the Corning Museum in Pennsylvania
The Front Porch - Montage placing Mom and Dad on the front porch of the miniature Victorian "doll" house that they crafted and then placing the house into a Pennsylvania landscape
The Nursery - Montage placing Mom and her great grand daughter into the close up room detail of the miniature Victorian "doll" house's nursery ; frame was custom created for the view
Montage and Photo-Compositing
William Hannapple
Photographic Content Provider for Web and Publishing San Francisco, CA