Earth Green Christ - Unfinished hand painted oil on canvas; aproximately 48" x 24"; the architectural room mouldings and panels "crossed" in a way that provided a spiritual moment that was difficult to maintain during the long processes inherent in oil painting techniques; however, the idea of a green Christ was to make the idea of Christ universal, that is, available to everyone of every color; in the collection of Mark and Glenda Hannapple, my brother and his wife
The Birth of the Moon - Hand painted oil on canvas; all colors matched from a single piece of abalone shell; aproximately 18" x 42"; a seascape with the cosmic arm of creation; in the collection of William VanErt, "Van", in San Diego; this is a truly "best" effort of all my power and love for man and the universe up to then; I was nineteen when I painted this
Deciding Which Door to Open - Hand painted oil on canvas; aproximately 36" x 24"; making a choice and accepting the consequences of that choice is the theme here; very Dali surrealistic; the "green" figure a repeated theme; a lost or destroyed work
The New Bakery - Hand painted oil on rough canvas; aproximately 28" x 35"; this is me having fun with my art, living at the end of First street in my canyon studio room in San Diego, going to school, riding my bike, and working after school at the "New Bakery" with my friend Donald Grover Carlson; later I was "best man" in Don's wedding and at Don's request this became a wedding present
Existential Premonition of My Self Destruction - Hand painted oil on canvas; aproximately 24" x 30"; after Salvador Dali's "Premonition of a Civil War, Soft Construction With Boiled Beans"; my graphic interpretation of American innocence being torn apart in torment by it's own corruption; in the collection of Howard and Louise Bergseid, San Diego
First Street Canyon View - Top, hand painted oil on canvas; aproximately 20" x 30"; of the changing view outside my canyon studio window in San Diego; lower, the opposite "poloroid" shot of the actual studio where the picture was painted; Dad put in the electric for me; in the collection of Mrs Ronald Piszar, my sister
The Torment of Nature - Hand painted oil with heavy textured elements on canvas; aproximately 21" x 30"; my vision of Nature tearing herself apart in torment, construction and destruction coinciding; in the collection of Howard and Louise Bergseid of San Diego
Brave New World - Hand painted oil on stretched burlap; aproximately 18" x 40"; worked on this after reading Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World"; although less distinctive than most of the other works I believe it has innovative freehand embellishments that advanced my art forward; in the collection of Tony Tabangcura
The Dream - Top, hand painted oil on canvas (in class one morning after a dream), aproximately 12" x 18"; lower image is a photograph I took, many years later, while traveling with my brother, Mark, and his wife, Glenda, in North Jersey; I have no doubt that the forest Deer is a subconcious part of my life; for my brother it is the Bear; this painting was stolen from me; a special thank you to Susan MacInerny Nell, my painting instructor at Mesa College, San Diego
Striation 1 - Top, hand painted oil on canvas; aproximately 18" x 30"; another stylistic attempt in a period of many unfocused, stylized attempts: in the collection of Donald Grover Carlson; lower, the studies, pencil drawings on newsprint paper, also in the Donald Grover Carlson collection; Jabba the Hut was not fashioned after this painting or these drawings
Atomic Melancholia - Hand painted oil on canvas; aproximately 12" x 18"; a vision of myself lost in a landscape of nuclear winter, after Salvador Dali
Still Life With Pitcher and Bowl - Hand painted oil on canvas; aproximately 24" x 18"; essentially, a study of pink and white stripes and an artist favorite pitcher and bowl; in the collection of Mrs. Ronald Piszar, my sister; limited edition prints available; the original pitcher and bowl in the collection of Mr and Mrs Richard Hannapple, Mom and Dad
Striated Still Life - Hand painted oil on burlap on masonite; aproximately 18" x 27"; applying my "striation" style to a simple still life; in the collection of Howard and Louise Bergseid, San Diego
Vino and Copper Kettle - Hand painted watercolor; aproximately 18" x 12"; a step by step "how to" effort from a very young artist-in-waiting; in the collection of Mom and Dad
Bill was fourteen years old when completing this painting while attending Carteret High School; circa 1964
John Perlman of Westbrae Foods - Unfinished combination of hand painted embellishments and screen printed images on canvas; John worked for a natural food company so lavish textures of red cabbage and carrot tops were used; unfinished and eventually painted over and then destroyed; only this one 35mm record of the 36" x 48" work remains; circa 1983
Bill was sixteen years old when completing this painting while attending Carteret High School; circa 1965; after Durrie, 16X20
Hand Painted Works
William Hannapple
Photographic Content Provider for Web and Publishing San Francisco, CA