Graphic design, Identity, Print
Graphic design, Identity, Print
Poster for Oude Bank Bakkerij
Summer Swing ticket design for Maya Prass
Winter Swing ticket design for Maya Prass
Winter 2010 Swing ticket design for Maya Prass
Online Invitation for an evening at De Oude Bank Bakkerij
Business card - Business card with copper foil, spot uv varnish and embossed finishes
Cd design for Manouche - Cd design for Manouche. Visit!/manoucheSA to buy
Cd design for Manouche
Cd design for Manouche
Cd design for Manouche
Cd design for Manouche
Anomali Jewellery
Anomali Jewellery
Anomali Jewellery
Anomali Jewellery
Anomali Jewellery
Anomali Jewellery
Anomali Jewellery
Bia van Deventer
Cape Town, South Africa