Multifunctional Furniture ‘M-Square’
Shrink-furniture: an-ultimate-solution for space constrain - What could be the most efficient solution of organizing your house with all necessary furniture when you are living in a small place? Buying relatively smaller one? Or pretending that you don’t need them when you can feel their need in every step of your daily life? How about furniture that can shrink? Sounds good right? Shrink Furniture can give you the opportunity to utilize your interior space most efficiently by enabling two chairs and a table getting shrunk into one unit.
Shrink-furniture: an-ultimate-solution for space constrain
Shrink-furniture: an-ultimate-solution for space constrain
Shrink-furniture: an-ultimate-solution for space constrain
Urban furniture
Bhagvanji Sonagra
Industrial designer Rajkot+Pune+Bangalore, India