Storyboard Storyboard from Pamela Demetillo STORYBOARD LBC TVC 30s - conceptualization, art direction,and illustration by me :) There are no copies yet, though. LBC TVC 30s JUICY COLOGNE TVC 30s - This is a TVC 30s for Juicy cologne brand. i did the art direction and illustration for "transitional" frames. JUICY COLGNE TVC 30s - This is a TVC 30s for Juicy cologne brand. i did the art direction and illustration for "transitional" frames. CDO TVC 30s CDO TVC 30s CDO TVC 30s SISTERS Feminine Napkin TVC 30s SISTERS Feminine Napkin TVC 30s SISTERS Feminine Napkin TVC 30s SISTERS TVC 30s SISTERS TVC 30s The Generics Pharmacy TVC 15s -p1 The Generics Pharmacy TVC 15s-p2 Cherry Mobile TVC 30s SILKA TVC 30s SILKA TVC 30s SILKA TVC 30s Glucocon Plus- Arthritis supplement Glucocon Plus- Arthritis supplement gLike STORYBOARD Art Direction Share R 7 n Pamela Demetillo Art Director Quezon City, Philippines Follow Contact