ClipEsfera and Kit Tátil - CLIPESFERA - Develop a product connected to the computer culture and its environment, to those who spend many hours of the day, in front of a computer screen. KIT TÁTIL - Create the tradicional but always surprising company gift, that is given every year, on december.
Lamps - Built lamps from parts found in junk shops.
Promotional pieces and POP - Create point of purchase material for new products, promotional objects for events and to be distributied together with products from the brands.
Picasso exhibition and Totens MAM - PICASSO EXHIBITION - Held one of greatest exhibitions ever realized in Brazil, with the work of Picasso during the between wars period. TOTENS MAM - There was a need by the museun for a good place to announce their exhibitions. Because, despite of being placed in a noble area and very close to the highway, the old ways of announcement didn't work well.
Arc Chair - Create a well designed, contemporary piece of furniture, using typical brazilian wood.