Desktop - A low Poly environment, this piece was created in Maya 4.5 using soft lighting and original textures gained by using a digital camera and Photoshop.
Slob Room - This environment was creative for an animation competition piece enetred in this years Kalamazoo Animation Festival (2003). The name of the piece is"Deep Rooted" and is the story of a man turned couch potato. The environment is done using both high and low poly, and also utilizes animated lighting, as well as camera within its space. It was created in Maya 4.5.
H2 Toy - Yhis matchbox car like depiction of the2003 Hummer H2 was created in Maya 4.5 starting with a basic poly cube. It was then cut up into usable pieces using the split poly tool. The textures are generated via digital camera and die cast model as a resource. The lighting is a mel script named dome Gi beacause it utilizes 64 lights (one at each intersection of a sphere.
Bottles - This piece was created to test various junk found in the apartment of the couch potato piece talked of earlier in this portfolio. The approach is quite a bit more iconic, but effective none the less. (Created in Maya 4.5)