Childcare Center - infant unit - This is an earlier model of the front-most unit with roofs removed, with the entry way and offices forming a protective L-shape around a facility for infant care.
Childcare Center - plan - The plan, showing the precession from the infant unit and offices, through the two standard classroom units, and culminating in the interior common area.
Childcare Center - street elevation - Street elevation, showing the gradual rise in roof height, with contrasting heights in the administrative and common areas.
Childcare Center - perspective sketch - A rough sketch exploring the environment of the connecting pathway.
Childcare Center - 1/16th model
Childcare Center - 1/16th model - The 1/16th model in plan view, highlighting the relationship of the roofs and terraces. The studio-constructed site model shows the neighborhood beyond.
Childcare Center - 1/16th model
Daisy Street Childcare Center : NCSU

ARC 302 Studio
North Carolina State College of Design