Bio-accessories is a series of wearable couture pieces which mask the unpleasant sights, sounds and scents of the city. Each piece incorporates a living organism to accompany the wearer throughout their day, creating a symbiotic relationship. The human tends to the animal or plant, which reciprocates by bringing fresh air, light, greenery, privacy or birdsong to the wearer.
Bio-accessories is a series of wearable couture pieces which mask the unpleasant sights, sounds and scents of the city. Each piece incorporates a living organism to accompany the wearer throughout their day, creating a symbiotic relationship. The human tends to the animal or plant, which reciprocates by bringing fresh air, light, greenery, privacy or birdsong to the wearer.
Bio-accessories is a series of wearable couture pieces which mask the unpleasant sights, sounds and scents of the city. Each piece incorporates a living organism to accompany the wearer throughout their day, creating a symbiotic relationship. The human tends to the animal or plant, which reciprocates by bringing fresh air, light, greenery, privacy or birdsong to the wearer.
Bio-accessories is a series of wearable couture pieces which mask the unpleasant sights, sounds and scents of the city. Each piece incorporates a living organism to accompany the wearer throughout their day, creating a symbiotic relationship. The human tends to the animal or plant, which reciprocates by bringing fresh air, light, greenery, privacy or birdsong to the wearer.
Living in the city isolates us from the natural world. Built environments are barriers to greenery, fresh air, sea breezes and sunlight. Skyscrapers soar above us instead of trees, while laneway stench emanates from the city grid. Bio-accessories is a series of wearable couture pieces which mask the unpleasant sights, sounds and scents of the city in an attempt to bring some of the natural world back into civil living.
Living in the city isolates us from the natural world. Built environments are barriers to greenery, fresh air, sea breezes and sunlight. Skyscrapers soar above us instead of trees, while laneway stench emanates from the city grid. Bio-accessories is a series of wearable couture pieces which mask the unpleasant sights, sounds and scents of the city in an attempt to bring some of the natural world back into civil living.
Living in the city isolates us from the natural world. Built environments are barriers to greenery, fresh air, sea breezes and sunlight. Skyscrapers soar above us instead of trees, while laneway stench emanates from the city grid. Bio-accessories is a series of wearable couture pieces which mask the unpleasant sights, sounds and scents of the city in an attempt to bring some of the natural world back into civil living.
Living in the city isolates us from the natural world. Built environments are barriers to greenery, fresh air, sea breezes and sunlight. Skyscrapers soar above us instead of trees, while laneway stench emanates from the city grid. Bio-accessories is a series of wearable couture pieces which mask the unpleasant sights, sounds and scents of the city in an attempt to bring some of the natural world back into civil living.
Living in the city isolates us from the natural world. Built environments are barriers to greenery, fresh air, sea breezes and sunlight. Skyscrapers soar above us instead of trees, while laneway stench emanates from the city grid. Bio-accessories is a series of wearable couture pieces which mask the unpleasant sights, sounds and scents of the city in an attempt to bring some of the natural world back into civil living.
Living in the city isolates us from the natural world. Built environments are barriers to greenery, fresh air, sea breezes and sunlight. Skyscrapers soar above us instead of trees, while laneway stench emanates from the city grid. Bio-accessories is a series of wearable couture pieces which mask the unpleasant sights, sounds and scents of the city in an attempt to bring some of the natural world back into civil living.


Ben Landau
Ben Landau Melbourne, Australia