This project was completed primarily with colleague Andrew Grosvenor (and a few other helpers) at iRSM. We teamed up with a surgeon to create physical models for him to use as a teaching aid at a surgical workshop. The technique he was teaching involved reconstructing the mandible and complicated stuff that was facilitated by having other surgeons complete a mock surgery on the provided models.
This project was completed primarily with colleague Andrew Grosvenor (and a few other helpers) at iRSM. We teamed up with a surgeon to create physical models for him to use as a teaching aid at a surgical workshop. The technique he was teaching involved reconstructing the mandible and complicated stuff that was facilitated by having other surgeons complete a mock surgery on the provided models.
This project was completed primarily with colleague Andrew Grosvenor (and a few other helpers) at iRSM. We teamed up with a surgeon to create physical models for him to use as a teaching aid at a surgical workshop. The technique he was teaching involved reconstructing the mandible and complicated stuff that was facilitated by having other surgeons complete a mock surgery on the provided models.
Creating molds for anatomical models is a huge challenge. Finding the right durometer for the soft tissue was also incredibly challenging.
This project was completed primarily with colleague Andrew Grosvenor (and a few other helpers) at iRSM. We teamed up with a surgeon to create physical models for him to use as a teaching aid at a surgical workshop. The technique he was teaching involved reconstructing the mandible and complicated stuff that was facilitated by having other surgeons complete a mock surgery on the provided models.
Assembly of the 'bone' models. The ball joints on the mandible give a fairly realistic range of motion and also enable the surgeons to pop them out as a reference.
This is the soft tissue for the maxilla (around the teeth and the palate). I printed the molds using an SLA machine.
This is the soft tissue for the jaw. I printed the molds using an SLA machine.
This is the soft tissue for the tongue. I printed the molds using an SLA machine.
This is an early version of the pharynx. Molds were printed with an SLA RP machine.
Dry fit of all the components. The tongue is incredibly squishy :)
Dry fitting the hard and soft components.
Another angle of the dry fit.
One of the surgeons at the workshop completing a stage of the procedure.
This is one of the reconstruction plates that attaches a portion of the patient's fibula to reconstruct their mandible after a cancerous growth has been removed.
After assembly. The silicone is super soft and apparently provides a relatively lifelike feel when performing the mock surgery.
The surgeons tested out the new model. They reconstructed the soft palate, removed a mock tumor on the mandible and reconstructed it by cutting a portion of fibula. They then plated the model as they would in surgery.
The before and after test run. We needed a cheap substitute for blood vessels to perform the test run, so we had some red wool kicking around :)
Surgical Simulation

Surgical Simulation Models

Ben King
Industrial Designer Edmonton, Canada