Material DeRate Tester

Handling steel with magnets can be a tricky thing, because you can't see the B fields acting on a part unless you run a test or an ANSYS simulation. But even then, how magnetic is the material you are picking up and setting down? That is what this testing unit is designed for: a portable system for testing the magnetic permeability of a part or how well a magnet will perform on it. If you can calculate how magnetic a piece of steel is, then you will drastically reduce the risk of the part falling during an automated process. When using this testing unit, one increases the retracting pressure in a pneumatic cylinder which pulls the magnet up and away from the part it is in contact with. Then one reads out the PSI from the display to calculate a "derate" factor. This will ultimately test how ferromagnetic a part is, whether you know what its chemical make up is or not.

Benjamin Cignarale
Industrial Designer Greenville, SC