Client: Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose, CA (Hospital Corporation of America) :::: Audience: Patients with High-Risk Pregnancies and Their Doctors :::: Medium: Leave-Behind Brochure and Insert :::: Objective: To increase awareness of the resources available at The Center for Women and Babies — Good Samaritan Hopital’s comprehensive, state-of the-art perinatal/neonatal facility. :::: Outcome: Leave-behind pieces better equipped hospital coordinators with informative, high-level literature that effectively showcased Good Sam's capabilities and increased awareness among the target audience.
View WebsiteClient: Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose, CA (Hospital Corporation of America) :::: Audience: Patients with High-Risk Pregnancies and Their Doctors :::: Medium: Leave-Behind Brochure and Insert :::: Objective: To increase awareness of the resources available at The Center for Women and Babies — Good Samaritan Hopital’s comprehensive, state-of the-art perinatal/neonatal facility. :::: Outcome: Leave-behind pieces better equipped hospital coordinators with informative, high-level literature that effectively showcased Good Sam's capabilities and increased awareness among the target audience.
View Website