Bak - everyday landscapes

The difference between the outside and the inside is marked by barriers, objects, by a series of actions that we perform every time we make this transition.

This step is not only the physical crossing of the door but a together of actions that happen every time we go from inside to outside and vice versa.

We dress in a different way, we get the jacket, we collect some things and we carry them in your pocket or purse.
There are some small things that inevitably travel with us on our person every time we leave the house: keys, wallet, cell phone, a USB ...
We collect them around the house, in a bowl, on a shelf. fast, quickly, we grab them, an indispensable extension of our home and we go out of the house.
When we return, we empty our pockets and together with object with which we left, we bring in others: coins, receipts, something found or given, an extension of the exterior we have chosen to introduce in our house.

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Bella litinetski
product designer Bologna, Italy