Title: "Black Pearl and Ruby" Media: Raw Red and Purple Potatoes, Copper Year: Fall 2013
Title: "Black Pearl and Ruby" Media: Raw Red and Purple Potatoes, Copper Year: Fall 2013
Title: "Black Pearl" (Detail) Media: Raw Purple Potato, Copper Year: Fall 2013
Title: "Ruby" (Detail) Media: Raw Red Potato, Copper Year: Fall 2013
Title: "Capsule for Ruby" Media: Copper Year: Fall 2013
Sketchbook Snippet for Potato Capsules
Potato Capsules, Fall 2013

My work is motivated by experimentation and allowing materials to react spontaneously. I am intrigued by the relationship between growth and decay, opposite yet dependent processes. An organism must decompose to provide nutrients for another to thrive. The containers also perform a dual functions. They simultaneously protect and serve as an unnatural boundary that may deform the plant’s normal decomposition. Over the course of this project, I will observe the transformation the organisms undergo; they will very likely putrefy, but they may also begin to sprout and grow beyond the bounds of their containers.

Freelance, Full-time
Becky Levine
Creative self starter with metal working and textile background. Saratoga Springs, NY