Magazine cover
Table of contents
Typographic page
General view
Design and making-up of the “The Parrot” magazine

Student work. Task: "Create a conception and make-up a magazine about rumors. The spread must be composed using only letters".
This magazine is about rumors, something a little bird told us, so I’ve called it “The Parrot”. According to its name a design of the magazine is a bit motley. The cover of the magazine is made strict with typography to stand this magazine out when it lies with other magazines on a store window. The cover style continues in the table of contents. Different colors depicts here the different rubrics of the magazine – in that case rubrics show different parts of the world where the actions took part. The logo of the magazine – a little parrot – used to highlight page numbers. The make-up of the pages is a bit free and motley according to the general concept of the magazine.