Ansca Homes Isola Bella Ad - Most of the advertisements have been done for the footwear industry and housing martkets.
Ansca Homes Villaggio Sale - Most of the advertisements have been done for the footwear industry and housing martkets.
STOMP and Corvette Footwear Ad - Most of the advertisements have been done for the footwear industry and housing martkets.
Crocker Motorcycles - Most of the advertisements have been done for the footwear industry and housing martkets.
Foot Soldier Ad - Most of the advertisements have been done for the footwear industry and housing martkets.
NRA Footwear Ad - Most of the advertisements have been done for the footwear industry and housing martkets.
STOMP Ad - Most of the advertisements have been done for the footwear industry and housing martkets.
DooWop Show - DOO WOP Show done for a local oldies band.
Dyck Magazine Promo
Mousetrap Ad
Torographics Ad
Crossfire Eyewear ad done for BP Firearms and Police Supplies for multiple magazines
Ad for DevCorpPB, the parent company of smaller home building companies.
Simple Footwear Factory ad in Footwear News
Brian Leibowitz
Senior Design and Marketing Specialist Parkland, FL