E-Ink Magazine Insert (Before) - Most people don’t know is that lower cholesterol levels make stress easier to handle. SOLUTION: Quick relaxation tips that anyone can use, virtually any time. Quaker Oats is positioned as the relaxation Guru with “A Minute for Me.” E Ink Magazine Insert: When you turn to the Quaker Minute for Me Insert, an electronic ink ad is activated. Sand in the hourglass moves, counting down a "Minute for Me."
E-Ink Magazine Insert (After) - Once the minute is up, the user is inspired to take a moment to relax and to find more tips on the Facebook and Twitter profile pages.
iPhone App - Users are invited to subscribe to the Quaker Oats “Minute for Me” applications. While they are subscribing, users will be able to choose the time they’d like their minute and what kind of audio they would like to accompany their minute. (I.E. soft meditation music, babbling brook, nature sounds).
Other features of the app include quick relaxation tips for the office or home, as well as fun health and beauty recipes made with Quaker Instant Oats.
Facebook Home Page - Face book profiles provide “Friends” tips for relaxation, health and beauty tips using Instant Oatmeal, and fun facts involving oatmeal. By integrating into the online community, Quaker Oats can develop a stronger bond with their market as well as raise awareness of stress-free tactics.
Twitter Profile Page - By integrating into the online community, Quaker Oats can develop a stronger bond with their market as well as raise awareness of an easy to maintain stress-free life.
Traditional Outdoor Print - Posters are placed in heavy pedestrian areas such as shopping centers and business parks that direct consumers to social media sites as well as providing quick relaxation tips that can be used in the office or on the go.
Outdoor Messaging - Interactive Billboards will be placed at eye level at stoplights. Billboard will be activated during red lights. The clock will count down a minute encouraging those prone to road rage or traffic tension to take a minute to breathe and relax.
Minute for Me Micro-Site Homepage - Provides more information on how cholesterol effects stress; quick stress relieving tips for the office or home; fun health and beauty recipes using instant oatmeal; and a look at other campaign elements to raise awareness of the new brand position and raise traffic at Quaker’s home page as well as the social media sites.
Health / Beauty Page - Find quick and easy recipes from skin care all the way to detoxifying on this page.
iPhone / Smart Phone App Page - This page allows users to subscribe to the Minute for Me app to get their own minute and tips on the go and customize their settings and preferences.
Keep Your Eyes Peeled Page - Here the user can find all of the other elements of the campaign, learn more about their message, and be on the look out for their chance to interact.
Keep Your Eyes Peeled Page (part 2) - Users are able to scroll through the different campaign elements using the arrows on either side of the photo box.
Quaker Oats Social Campaign (Student Project)

In school project to create a campaign from print ads to social media, as well as a mobile app.

The idea behind this campaign is that eating a healthy breakfast, I.E Quaker Oats, is just as important as taking a minute for yourself and relaxing. The target demographic for this campaign focuses on busy moms and professionals ages 25-35.

Brittany Depezynski
Design and Marketing Professional Hesperia, CA