Puma Phone Magazine Ad (Before) - MESSAGE: Convert Your Power PROBLEM: Puma is well known as an innovator in athletic gear, but not much is known about their innovations in technology. The Puma phone is a solar powered cell phone designed for people with an active life style. SOLUTION: Integrating solar power with interactive messaging raises awareness of the benefits and features of Pumas new product.
Puma Phone Magazine Ad (After) - Messaging in the ads placed in magazines and weekly publications is activated by the use of light sensitive ink when the user takes the ad into sunlight.
Interactive Ambient / Outdoor - Users will be able to interact with an oversized replica of the phone placed at bus shelters and other high pedestrian traffic areas. They will be able to touch, play with, and discover features of the phone such as recordable MP3 turntables, and a front-facing camera with Skype capabilities first hand, by interacting with touch-screen, face recognition, and solar power technology.
Digital Solar Billboards - A solar powered, oversized replica of the phone placed on billboards will tell the temperature for the day, as well as the evening, showcasing one of the unique features of the phone.
Digital Solar Billboards - The sunlight used to energize the billboard during the day is stored in the solar cells until night, allowing the billboard to operate 24 hours a day from the power of the sun.
Puma (Student Project)

In school project to find a product that hadn't been released yet and create a campaign to build buzz.

The product selected for this campaign was Puma's solar powered phone. Each piece to this campaign is completely solar powered, even the paper the magazine ad is printed on changes when taken out into the sun.
Along with the magazine print ad; a solar powered bus shelter allows users to interact with a giant version of the phone and use the turntables that come standard with each phone to make their own beats and send to a friend via their social network.

The last element of the campaign are the solar billboards that display the weather exactly as the phone does with its built in temperature app. The bill board also works off the same kind of technology that the phone uses to store sunlight gathered throughout the day to work at night.

Brittany Depezynski
Design and Marketing Professional Hesperia, CA