Some fun with stock images and liquor-infused meats.
A little too late, but this ad comes with a mild gore warning. That is actually a MagLite wound. My lawyer friend suggested this image should also state that MagLite is a brand of flashlights, not rocks. Thank you.
Consumers of higher education understand that earning a degree does not necessarily equate to a career in their field. Biting directly into that fear is a great strategy for targeting millennials.
University design programs are highly competitive, and differ greatly between university. This strategy communicates the artful possibilities yet unrealized by the target audience while also identifying the client as the wellspring of creative design. Works best as a billboard.
This strategy seeks to use that to the client's advantage by implying the use of digitally constructed models signifies that other brands' products are inferior and the client's products are capable of realizing beauty without the image being heavily altered. Despite all that, I'm pretty certain the stock model photo was digitally enhanced. Don't tell anyone?
Created far before the Republican National Convention of 2016.
Various, etc.

Catch-all zone for individual or pre-sorted projects with occasional cheeky bits.

Words and creative design are of my own imagining. Images provided by various Google search queries.

Freelance, Full-time
Brandon Boehme
Creative Writer, Brand Enthusiast Denton, TX