Superheroe - inked pencil drawing, colored with magic markers
Nightred - Inked pencil, colored with magic marker
Souldots - Sakura 01,03,05 pens on bristol board
The Dr. - Color pencil on bristol board, sakura pens
Amazon - Pen & ink on bristol board
Fisherman - Color pencil on bristol board
High Priestess - Marker on bristol board
Wow! - Color pencil on bristol board
Bootsy - Rapidograph pens
"You're Late"! - Color pencil on bristol board
A Taste of America - Marker on bristol board
Rainbow Waltz - Marker on bristol board
Black Stress - Pend and ink
Back Alley Mayhem - Pen and ink
Get Ready To Rumble - Pen and ink
Galactic Event - Pen and ink
DT - Pen, ink, and color pencil
Style II - Pen and ink
Black Moses - Color pencil and ink wash on bristol board
On The Scene - Pen and ink
C UR Light - Color pencil on bristol board
Homecoming - Pen and ink on bristol board
The Wizard - Color pencil on bristol board
Hailing A Cab In NYC - pen and ink
BOO!!! - Pen and Ink with Marker
Hulk On The Block - Pencil on Board
Attack! - Pencil on Board
Comming Attractions - Pencil on board
Do Not Enter! - Pencil on board
The Summoning - Pencil on board
Pencil, Pen and Ink on Bristol Board
Comic Illustration