Twisted Flesh - Skate Deck for my brand Evl Geneus
Demon - Playing around with some new brush shapes.
Senior Tee-Shirt Design - Tee Shirt design for our end of the year celebration. We've gone from being classmates to becoming a family, and much like a tattoo, we'll be there for life. Looked at all the American tattoo cliches and threw them in a pot. Initial Sketch
Senior Tee-Shirt Design - Secondary sketch. Went ballistic with the wings, flames, barbed wire, heart, and scroll. Very subtle
Senior Tee-Shirt Design - Final design
Senior Tee-Shirt Design - Final Shirt Design
Ben 10 Inspired Bot
Deadpool - His name is Deadpool. He's a mercenary. He has a gigantic mallet. I really didn't want to inquire beyond that...
Spider Man - Slight revision of the original outfit.
Spider Bot
Skullz N Da Hood - Good ol markers on paper
Illustrations and Paintings
Barton Liang
Design ID-eally Somerville, MA