Baseball Bingo cards were dynamically generated for each user
The product pages were dynamic and easy to update from the client side. This meant a change in ingredients created no impact or rework.
Forever in Summerville

The Nestlé Drumstick client had the primary objective to produce a Baseball themed microsite for an upcoming promotion. However, we knew they also had the business objective to sell ice cream outside the summer months.

We created Summerville, a tiny community where it was summer all year long. In addition to creating an engaging world containing the promotion and product line, the site was robust enough and lasted far beyond its original planned conclusion.

The project allowed us to do some interesting things we'd not done before like including a client based product-update CMS, dynamic Bingo Cards unique to each printing & partner with MLB.

(The link provided leads to an archived version of the Flash site and doesn't contain full functionality.)

Bart Heird
Group Creative Director Columbia, MD