N-Code Tennis Racket for Wilson Sports

Client___Wilson Sports // Design Lead, Industrial Designer___Dave Barnard // Staff Industrial Designers___Ami Verhalen, Rachel Desmidt // Mechanical Engineer___Rick Smith // Project Manager___Dave Barnard //

Wilson n-code racquet with Triad technology - IDEA Bronze 2005 - Wilson's Triad technology - which isolates racket yoke from head - was not evident at point of purchase. It needed to visually say "I'm different!!" in a way that accommodated the most demanding performance requirements. The new design was visually unique, while being clean and structurally efficient. It also happened that it delivered more power, a more active string bed and a larger sweet spot. The design was adopted for use in the n-code line. In January 2005, Serena Williams won the Australian Open playing with the n3, and the n5 earned "Editor's Choice" status from Tennis Magazine

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David Barnard
Industrial Designer, Product Development Manager Saint Paul, MN