Workbench Light which has been improved regarding its number of parts, size and carbon footprint. zinc is used for cooling 9 powerLEDs so that the building size stays small because no air is needed for cooling. the additional zinc is used as a characteristic designelement of the light. parts are reduced. so is the bodyshell holding the batteries the same time without the need of aadditional part inside.
Workbench Light which has been improved regarding its number of parts, size and carbon footprint. zinc is used for cooling 9 powerLEDs so that the building size stays small because no air is needed for cooling. the additional zinc is used as a characteristic designelement of the light. parts are reduced. so is the bodyshell holding the batteries the same time without the need of aadditional part inside.
Workbench Light which has been improved regarding its number of parts, size and carbon footprint. zinc is used for cooling 9 powerLEDs so that the building size stays small because no air is needed for cooling. the additional zinc is used as a characteristic designelement of the light. parts are reduced. so is the bodyshell holding the batteries the same time without the need of aadditional part inside.
magnetic parts on the bottom and back enable the light also to be attached to magnetic surfaces. thi
Workbench Light which has been improved regarding its number of parts, size and carbon footprint. zinc is used for cooling 9 powerLEDs so that the building size stays small because no air is needed for cooling. the additional zinc is used as a characteristic designelement of the light. parts are reduced. so is the bodyshell holding the batteries the same time without the need of aadditional part inside.
magnetic parts on the bottom and back enable the light also to be attached to magnetic surfaces. thi
magnetic parts on the bottom and back enable the light also to be attached to magnetic surfaces. thi
magnetic parts on the bottom and back enable the light also to be attached to magnetic surfaces. thi
magnetic parts on the bottom and back enable the light also to be attached to magnetic surfaces. thi
Workbench Light
Manuel Perez Prada
Lead Designer & creative problem solver Munich, Germany