Cover from the Youth Volunteer Guide developed in early 2018 produced by CPDC and funded by the European Union. This is a great document for any organisation looking to engage with volunteers, providing loads of valuable information, statistics and tips on how to encourage volunteerism amongst the youth.
A spread from the Youth Volunteer Guide.
Another spread highlighting some of the research and data gathered by CPDC to develop this document.
Back of the Guide. In total the document was over 50 pages, and I was responsible for the art direction, layout and design (including graphs) of the entire document.
Cover of CPDC's 'Programme Report' booklet produced in 2018 to highlight and review the organisation's main projects between 2016-2018.
A spread from the booklet.
Back spread.
Booklet back.
Caribbean Policy Development Centre (CPDC)

The Caribbean Policy Development Centre (CPDC) is a coalition of Caribbean non-governmental organisations established in 1991.

Interestingly enough CPDC were my very first freelance client way back in 1999, and we have collaborated on many projects over the years since then. Here are some of the projects we have worked on during that time.

Freelance, Full-time
Nicolas Sobers
Creative Designer Bridgetown, Barbados