3 Boxes - Grade 12 For this assignment we had to design a box and three variations of a product to go into it. I found a template similar to this one online and changed it to suit my product. I added the little clear window in the front so you could see the product inside and I changed the way the box closes with the little tabs.
Cherry Candy Box - Grade 12
Cherry Candy Box - Grade 12 My favorite part of my design is the little piece of fruit hanging down on the flap of each box. I also like the window, it's a good way to show off the product inside.
Grape Candy Box - Grade 12
Grape Candy Box - Grade 12 My favorite part of my design is the little piece of fruit hanging down on the flap of each box. I also like the window, it's a good way to show off the product inside.
Pineapple Candy Box - Grade 12
Pineapple Candy Box - Grade 12