Taylor Swift - Grade 11 Done for a poster advertising a concert by making tiny brush strokes over a photograph in photoshop.
Lake Sunset Scene - Grade 12 Done as a book cover by vectoring and brushing over a photograph.
M is for Mitosis - Grade 12 We had to incorporate the first letter of an object into a picture of it. This one is my favorite. It was actually the last one I did and I was feeling stuck for ideas, so I did it on a whim and I really like how it turned out.
G is for Giraffe - Grade 12 I think that at first glance with this one, it's not instantly recognizable that his spots are "G's". The only thing I would change about this is that some of the colors blend together too well, for example the giraffe's feet with the ground around it, but other than that I really like this one.
R is for Rainbow - Grade 12 This one is probably my least favorite. It was the first one that I did and I wish that I'd taken the time to change the shape of the letter "R" a bit more, and I wish I'd used a different font for the "R is for Rainbow" text at the bottom.
B is for Bumble Bee - Grade 12 This one is fun and colorful and I really like the way it turned out with the "B" as the wings. I think if I were to change it I would not use the letter for his feelers as well.
O is for Octopus - Grade 12 When I first started this one, I had the "O's" as tiny little ovals on the octopus' legs and I realized that they were hard to recognize as letters. By making them a bit bigger and sparser it made it easier to see the shape of the letter instead of just a circle or an oval.
S is for Safety Pin - Grade 12 I think that this one turned out the best. The image is very simple and the letter "S" isn't the first thing you see when you look at it, but it takes a second to notice.
Mountain Sunset Scene - Grade 11 Originally done as part of the background for a Canada Day poster.
Digital Artwork