KEC Info Handbook 1 - Grade 12 Very simple, could work well as a school handbook design, but it isn't very personal and projects a more professional feel.
KEC Info Handbook 2 - Grade 12 Incorporating pictures of student life at Kildonan East to give it a more personal feel. It's a fun design with more going on, which is more likely to appeal to the students, while still including all of the information needed.
Poetry Book Cover - Grade 12 A design for a book of poems. I thought the colors combined with the image created a serene feel to the image. The silhouettes look to be having fun together and it portrays one of those perfect moments in life, which is a good idea for a collection of poems.
Of Mice and Men Book Cover - Grade 12 Done for entrance portfolio for Red River College. A cover for the novel Of Mice and Men. I think the image of fur spread across the entire cover creates interest. The image is blurred to represent the way the character Lennie views the world. The picture of the rabbit in the letter "O" is to make a reader want to pick the book up; it says Of "Mice" and Men, so I think the rabbit image makes someone want to pick up the book and find out why it's there.
Book Covers