quick render for reflection effect trial: front side matte paint - no reflection, just texture
quick render for reflection effect trial: front side reflective paint; single light reflection on paint on textured glass
quick render for reflection effect trial: back side reflective paint: two levels of refletion. Distorted reflection on textured glass + normal reflections on backside paint chosen configuration
textured glass choice "Mastersoft"
Textured glass choice "thela"
Model "Volume" black
Model "Volume" black - detail
Model "Volume" grey
Model "Volume" grey - detail
Model "Volume" white
Model "Volume" white - detail
Model "SurLeFil"
Model "SurLeFil"
Model "Woodstock"
Model "Woodstock" - detail
Glazing radiator

A new and better heating technology was developed by our R&D department, and marketing wanted to launch it on the market but needed to differentiate from the existing. Radiators using glazing covers already existed, so I proposed to use textured glazing with a special painting behind to remain with a simple form but animate the surface with subtle 3D reflection effects.

Pascal Bäuerle
Industrial Design Engineer Lyon, France