Plan of Phase1 as it was built up to now: creative room and two FabLabs, one for 3D printing, scanning, electonic works etc. and the other for louder activities such as CNC grinding, drilling...
3D Plan of Phase1 as it was built up to now: creative room and two FabLabs, one for 3D printing, scanning, electonic works etc. and the other for louder activities such as CNC grinding, drilling...
Rendering of the creativity room made with sketchup and rhino Common thinkspace with high tables and stools to avoid people sitting around in a passive way as it often happens in traditional meetings. A second lounge-like space to be able to split up into smaller groups and permit different working situations - or just to relax.
Rendering of the creativity room made with sketchup and rhino Common thinkspace with high tables and stools to avoid people sitting around in a passive way as it often happens in traditional meetings. A second lounge-like space to be able to split up into smaller groups and permit different working situations - or just to relax.
Rendering of the FabLab1 made with sketchup and rhino
Overview of Phase1 vs Phase2
Phase2 as it should be done this year with a huge co-working space including a showroom and user test spots supporting the DesignThinking method
Phase2 as it should be done this year with a huge co-working space including a showroom and user test spots supporting the DesignThinking method
Logo proposal for the space, the different FabLabs and the creativity room
Creativity space v2: The creaHUB

...and the creativity project grew and grew: with the arrival of a new colleague came also the project to build up a local FabLab, so it seemed natural for us to combine those in one space.
Phase 1 is already built up and works very well, Phase 2 is planned for this year :)

Pascal Bäuerle
Industrial Design Engineer Lyon, France