Ikea Lampshade Project
Perspective Drawings - As the semester progressed, we moved from geometric shapes to more organic "blobs" on the 2-pt. perspective field, dealing with proportion, line weights, intersection, and accuracy. No use of rulers.
Wood 1 - In this course, I learned basic woodworking skills, which covered material properties, and joinery. I also learned how to use woodworking tools and basic machinery. Skills: Creating bent laminations, carving, planing, and treating wood.
Metals 1 - Through material investigation and experimentation, I learned several manipulation and manufacturing techniques of tin-plated steel sheets and brass wire to create interesting form and functionality within each project. Also learned drill, tap and handy-file techniques.
Model-making - Using a vareity of materials, I created models from the drawings we created in Design Principles class. Focuses were on craftsmanship, material choice, and process.
Tin-Plated Steel + Brass Wire - Under the instruction of Peter Prip, I combined my knowledge and skills learned from my previous metal projects, towards my final. This object incorporates a nice contrast of the golden brass wire to the grays of the plated steel. Little details, such as the rivets not only allow movement and manipulation to the form but adds a sense of beauty to such industrial materials. Handmade with hand tools such as a forging hammer, anvil, soldering torches, etc.
Fall 2008
Alexandra Yee
Industrial Designer Cupertino, CA