Asma e BPCO (Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) - Infographic about respiratory diseases for "SALUTE", insert of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Cibo e Nutrizione (Food waste and Nutrition) - Infographic about world food waste and nutrition for "LE GUIDE", supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Mappa delle mostre La Triennale di Milano (Triennale di Milano map exhibitions) - Exhibitions map of La Triennale di Milano for "LE GUIDE", supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Il pret-à-porter del cibo italiano (Italian food export) - Infographic about Italian food export for "LE GUIDE", supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Stili alimentari (Food lifestyles) - Infographic about food lifestyles for "LE GUIDE", supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Credito al consumo in Italia (Consumer credit in Italy) - Infographic about consumer credit in Italy for "LE GUIDE", supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Emergenza Obesità (Obesity Emergency) - Infographic about obesity for "LE GUIDE", supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica PUBLISHED ON Visual Storytelling: Infographic Design in News
Tumore al Seno (Breast Cancer) - Infographic about prevention of breast cancer for "LE GUIDE", supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Articolazioni (Joints) - Infographic about human body joints and rheumatoid arthritis for "LE GUIDE", supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Struttura di un Coro (Choir Structure) - Infographic about the structure of a choir for "LE GUIDE", supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Cibo e Nutrizione (Food waste and Nutrition) - Infographic about world food waste and nutrition for "LE GUIDE", supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
La Repubblica, LE GUIDE Infographics

Infographics for LE GUIDE, supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica

Freelance, Moonlighting
Annalisa Varlotta
Graphic Design // Infographic // Print Reston, VA