
raya, croi rioga - learo dochais! ga suil,
grasta! go raibh maith agat, d'eist wod le mo gui, a freagraiodh mo gui, is anseo a deirfiur do blathanna corcra, is feidir teacht ar fad agus ta suil d'aisling fior! sonas agus saol siorai!

early to rise

cumbemayo, peru

cumbemayo, peru

my aunt is a wonderful gardener :)

fuschia magellanica - "chilco"
las hortencias, cajamarca, peru

wild grass above a stone doorway in north-east china

Jade plant at Purple Moon Rising Studios

Wildflowers at Artists' Point, a rocky peninsula on the north shore of Lake Superior.

moss etc at Cumbemayo, Peru

moss etc, Cumbemayo, Peru
