Kool-Aid Slushies POP - Concept, character development, illustration and design of POP materials for Kool-Aid Slushies (Kraft).
CMA White Paper Cover Illustration - An illustration for the cover of a white paper for the Canadian Marketing Association
Gift Card Designs (unpublished) - Concept and illustration for winter gift cards for a large American retail store.
Hospital for Sick Children -- Empower Reading Program - Art direction and illustration on a comprehensive project for the Hospital for Sick Children aimed at teaching children with learning disabilities strategies for learning how to read. Shown here: cover illustration for various teaching materials.
Hospital for Sick Children Empower Reading Program - Art direction and illustration on a comprehensive project for the Hospital for Sick Children aimed at teaching children with learning disabilities strategies for learning how to read. Shown here: Teaching tools: Vowel Stoplight with sliding word cards, Peeling-Off Tree with magnetic leaves, Reading Strategy Poster.
Empower Reader Illustrations - A few of several dozen illustrations for a comprehensive project for the Hospital for Sick Children aimed at teaching children with learning disabilities strategies for learning how to read.
Life In Action (Free The Children) - This is a series of posters for secondary schools encouraging children to think about their daily food choices and to improve their own healthy life style by forgoing unhealthy snacks, while improving quality of life for people in developing countries by donating the money they save to the Adopt-A-Village program.
Adopt A Village (Free The Children) - A series of transit ads for Free The Children, encouraging people to donate their money to targeted areas in developing countries.
Mother's Day Gift Cards (unpublished) - Concept and illustration for mother's day gift cards for a large American retail store.
Auni Milne
Experienced and Skilled Art Director, Graphic Designer, Web Designer and... Clayton, ON